¡Hola!, Bienvenidos a nuestro BLOG, este sitio fue creado por dos alumnas de la Universidad De Las Amércias Puebla, con el fin de desarrollar un proyecto que pudiera combinar dos carreras diferentes como lo son Artes Culinarias y Arquitectura de Interiores.

Sus creadoras:
Tania Isabel y Viviana Straffon

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

The Desert Rain Café: Reviving Native Arizona Culinary Traditions

Title: The Desert Rain Café: Reviving Native Arizona Culinary Traditions

Personal Author: Cox, Beverly; Jacobs, Martin

Journal Name: Native Peoples

Source: Native Peoples v. 23 no. 1 (January/February 2010) p. 26-7

Publication Year: 2010

Abstract: A profile of the Desert Rain Café in Sells, Arizona. The cafe is the newest project of TOCA (Tohono O'odham Community Action), and since opening in April 2009 it has received rave reviews from local and visiting foodies. However, the Desert Rain is not just a good place to eat; its goal is to revive local culture and help slow a growing diabetes epidemic among the Tohono O'odham community by serving traditional healthy foods. All of the dishes served there feature at least one traditional O'odham ingredient that is grown or gathered locally.

Subject(s): Native American cooking; Tohono O'Odham Indians/Food; Sells (Ariz.)/Restaurants; Recipes

Peer Reviewed Journal:
Physical Description: Illustration

ISSN: 0895-7606

Document Type: Feature Article

Cox, B., & Jacobs, M. (2010). The Desert Rain Café: Reviving Native Arizona Culinary Traditions. Native Peoples, 23(1), 26-7. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from OmniFile Full Text Select database.

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