¡Hola!, Bienvenidos a nuestro BLOG, este sitio fue creado por dos alumnas de la Universidad De Las Amércias Puebla, con el fin de desarrollar un proyecto que pudiera combinar dos carreras diferentes como lo son Artes Culinarias y Arquitectura de Interiores.

Sus creadoras:
Tania Isabel y Viviana Straffon

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Academic Search Complete

Here we provide a brief overview on smart materials, products and systems, from smart materials and their classification up to structured systems. We present a brief revision of smart building solutions and their combination of those creating a tendency towards buildings that may be considered smart as a whole. Also, of current smart solutions that respond to the environment, and whose smartness resides in the design of the systems along with the selection of adequate materials. The buildings' skins, for example, are configured in such a way that they respond to the environment. To conclude, we will make a proposal on applications in the shape of charts of materials, products and systems for architecture and construction.

Esto se relaciona con nuestro poryecto ya que uno de los puntos importantes es buscar materiales que sean útiles para la elaboración del espacio del restaurante pero al mismo tiempo buscar materiales reciclados para tener un ambiente ecológico.

Larena, A., & Rodriguez-Vera, R. (2009). Smart Materials: Overview and a Proposal for Architecture and Construction. International Review of Chemical Engineering - Rapid Communications, 1(5), 445-452. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

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