¡Hola!, Bienvenidos a nuestro BLOG, este sitio fue creado por dos alumnas de la Universidad De Las Amércias Puebla, con el fin de desarrollar un proyecto que pudiera combinar dos carreras diferentes como lo son Artes Culinarias y Arquitectura de Interiores.

Sus creadoras:
Tania Isabel y Viviana Straffon

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Academic Search Complete

The objective of this research is to provide certain explanation about how the factors that compose service quality are predictors of the general customer opinion and his loyalty toward a restaurant. The data collection was conducted by a structured questionnaire in a 111 seating restaurant's customer sample. Six dimensions of service quality was included in this study, four of them -- facilities, food, personnel and, consistency and honesty- explain properly the general opinion about the restaurant; while accessibility and environment are the two dimensions that don't explain it. None of the quality service variables, one by one or together, explain properly the customer loyalty; that means that there is no evidence about the incidence of any of them in the loyalty generation. However, the general opinion, associated with tangible and intangible aspects, tends to explain the intention to return to the restaurant. The academic contribution of this research is helping the understanding of the relationship between multidimensional constructs as service quality and loyalty. In the other hand, the practical contribution takes place because the managers could focus their efforts in the critical areas of the restaurant to improve its quality service.

Esto nos sirve para el proyecto ya que habla del servicio, la comida y la opinión de los clientes sobre el establecimiento o restaurante donde comen, de esta manera podemos analizar los puntos claves del proyecto, los cuales incluyenb un buen servicio, rapidez, buena comida, higiene en práctica y más, dando de esta manera un ambiente cómodo para el cleinte.

M., J., & L., A. (2009). El Papel de la Calidad del Servicio del Restaurante como Antecedente de la Lealtad del Cliente. (Spanish). Panorama Socioeconómico, 27(38), 16-30. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

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